With the upcoming June holidays, spend some precious family time together with your children. We have come up with a list of 5 outdoor playgrounds that are unique and your child would definitely enjoy.
1. Clock Playground
Parents who are nostalgic about the past can consider bringing your children to the clock playground located in Bishan. Built in 1980s by HDB, it is one of the rare playgrounds that is still covered with mosaic. Kids could find a cuckoo clock with ladder and sit on the rocking horses atop metal springs. Parents with young children should accompany their child as he plays since the pit is filled with sand and not rubber.

Source: StraitsTimes
Location: 514A Bishan Street 13
2. Vertical Playground
If your child is tired of playing with conventional playgrounds, challenge him to a vertical playground located just a stone throw away from the clock playground. Known as the wallholla playground, it is the first vertical playground to be installed in Asia. Don’t worry if your child is too young for it as we’re confident that he would find one that is suitable for him in the three stories structured playground. Parents who are young at heart can also explore this playground! We’re sure that your child would have a time of his life exploring this playground whilst building up his courage.

Source: NewAge Parents
Location: 158 Bishan Street 13
3. Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden
If you are thinking of picnicking while letting your child enjoy some time playing outdoor, Jacob Ballas Children’s Garden may be the right choice for you. Located within the Botanic Garden, the playground take up four hectares, making it the largest children’s garden. Parents can explore the treehouse, maze and the water play area. Those with older children can consider playing the forest trampoline and even the zipline before enjoying the picnic within the Botanic Garden.

Source: Littledayout
Location: 481 Bukit Timah Road
4. Kim Keat Avenue Playground
If your child is an avid fan of dinosaur, then Kim Keat Avenue Playground would be the right choice for you! This playground is not just popular kids, but also with the adults. Both parents and children can choose to take pictures with the mama T-Rex, or pose with the 5 dinosaur eggs. Alternatively, younger children can also climb onto the younger T-Rex.

Source: YoungParents
Location: 27 Kim Keat Avenue
5. Yishun River Green Playground
If you are keen on letting your child explore unique forms of architecture, you might be interested to bring him to Yishun River Green Playground. This playground features crooked houses that is made up of top quality weather proof wood. There is also a mini pool art installation nearby that is made up of 16 pads. Kids can step on these pads and watch it change colors. But take note that the lights would only be lit up in the evening, so consider bringing your children after family dinner!

Source: Singaporemotherhood
Location: 329 Yishun Ring Road
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[…] you’re looking to take your kids for some outdoor fun, these outdoor playgrounds in Singaporeoffer a good time with sand and Mother […]