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Category - Health & Nutrition

5 tips for post-delivery mums to maintain a balanced diet

For Parents, Health & Nutrition, Pregnant, Pregnant

Congratulations on your bundle of joy! You may have gained a few kilos from the pregnancy, and the post pregnancy body may not look pretty. Unless you have your doctor’s recommendation to do so, don’t be in a…

How to Make Vegetable Purees for Babies

Babies, Health & Nutrition

Starting your baby on solids is a fun and exciting journey! Most babies are ready to start at around 6-months old, and it is essential to ensure that your child can sit upright with minimal support to reduce…

Where to Buy Einmilk Formula Milk in Singapore

Babies, Babies, Babies, Babies, For Parents, Health & Nutrition, Health & Nutrition, Pregnant, Pregnant, Toddlers, Toddlers, Toddlers, Toddlers

Whether we are supplementing breastfeeding with formula milk or formula-feeding, as parents, we would try to provide our babies with the most wholesome and nutritious milk, within our means. Einmilk offers complete nutrition with its range of formula…

Essential Nutrients for Toddlers

Health & Nutrition, Toddlers

Eating well and eating right offers your children with the right nutrition to meet their growing needs.   “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food.” – -Hippocrates According to the World Health Organization (WHO) and…

Breastfeeding Mums, Remember to Care for Your Breasts too

For Parents, Health & Nutrition, Pregnant, Pregnant

Besides providing nutrition and comfort to your babies, your breasts are bosom buddies that are often neglected too, right breastfeeding mums? During breastfeeding, you may find that the shape, size and lift of your breasts may change. Caring…

Delicious & Healthy Lactation Cookies Recipe

Babies, Babies, Family Fun, Health & Nutrition, Toddlers, Toddlers

Lactation cookies have won praises from breastfeeding mums for helping to improve and maintain breast milk supply. Breastfeeding has benefits for both mum and baby, and breast milk has been proven to contain all the required nutrients and…

Breastfeeding Mums share: 5 Foods that Boost Milk Supply

Babies, Babies, For Parents, Pregnant, Pregnant

During the first six months of a baby’s life, breast milk is the perfect food as it is tailored towards the baby’s requirements for healthy development. In addition, breast milk also strengthens the baby’s gut and provides lifelong…

Pregnancy Weeks 6-9: Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Babies, Babies, For Parents, Health & Nutrition, Pregnant, Pregnant

Congratulations! You may have just found out that you’re expecting and the news may be a little shocking. Pregnancy symptoms are starting to become more obvious and you may experience morning sickness. Some women have a severe type…

Mum’s Checklist: 5 Essentials Breastfeeding Mums Need

Babies, Babies, For Parents, Health & Nutrition

Breastfeeding is a wonderful way of bonding with your baby as it provides closeness in addition to your baby’s nutritional requirements. Mums who breastfeed may do it in different manners: Some breastfeeding mums latch their babies directly, other…

Child Vision Development: 1 to 3 years old

For Parents, Health & Nutrition, Toddlers, Toddlers

Your child’s vision is constantly developing. From blurred vision as a newborn, your toddler at 12 months old now has a relatively clear vision and will spend the next few years of his life working on his hand-eye…


Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for healthy growth and development of babies. Good maternal nutrition helps sustain an adequate supply and quality of breast milk. Unnecessary introduction of bottle-feeding, partially or fully, or of other complementary foods and drinks may have a negative impact on breastfeeding, which may be irreversible. Consult your doctor and consider the social and financial implications before deciding to use breast milk substitutes or if you have difficulty breastfeeding. Follow usage, preparation and storage instructions of breast milk substitutes or of other complementary foods and drinks carefully as improper or unnecessary use may pose a health hazard.