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In For Parents, Toddlers on July 31, 2017 - 09:10






#1: 价值观是我们日常生活的一部分



Evangeline Yang是两个孩子的母亲,她的信念是孩子应该成为“言行一致的人”。孩子们通过周围人的言语、行为和行动来获取这些价值观。父母以身作则是让孩子理解和懂得正面价值观的有效方法。

在幼儿时期,孩子在与他人的互动中也可能会学习“错误”的观念和想法,而他们无法辨别这些观念和想法。Dominique Goh是三个孩子的母亲,她表示,“……不要容忍那些没有道德标准的成人或孩子。”


#2: 学会知足、感恩生活和他人



— Serynn Guay




在欲望和需求的日常追求中,我们可能会忘记欣赏已经拥有的东西,并且忽略日益累积的幸福感。不要一直追求“更好的生活” 或 “更多的东西”,不要总是觉得“邻家芳草绿,隔岸风景好”,学会知足才是不断前行的动力。

Andrea Kang Gruszka是两个两岁以下的宝宝的母亲,她感叹道:“我只祈祷和希望我的孩子们不要浪费时间和别人比较,并一直都期望能如此…我觉得我得以身作则。”



#3: 努力才会有结果

Janice Wong以她的两个孩子(一个五岁,一个两岁)为例,她表示,孩子们会注意到她在工作,进行家庭教育和养育子女,她认为自己的行为能让孩子们明白努力工作的重要性。她希望向孩子们灌输“天下没有免费的午餐…不要把任何事情当作理所当然的道理。不但要苦干,还要巧干。”




#4: 以爱为出发点,促进深入发展

言行一致非常重要。Jessica Kong认为,孩子也需要受到尊重。


— Jessica Kong






#5: 教孩子正确的价值观,无需完全严肃苛刻


Liang May是两个孩子的母亲,她说:“我老公想要教孩子‘以他人为先’,让孩子能有善良的美德,所以他以身作则。但他很快又对孩子说‘你老爸是最无私的人!为什么你这么自私!”



— Walter Lim的儿子正值青春期,这是他总结的用正确的价值观培养孩子




About the author: webimp

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Parents Share: Tips on Raising World-ready Children

In For Parents, Toddlers on July 31, 2017 - 09:10

How can we raise our children to be ready for the world of tomorrow?

Parenting is a lifelong journey, and as we strive to offer our best to our children, we also wish to prepare them for their future.

Besides a safe and loving environment, we work hard at meeting their needs and support their holistic development. Family values are also integral aspects of one’s character, and parents explore ways to impart good values to nurture responsible citizens of the world.

Let’s find out what values are important to families in Singapore, and how do parents teach their children these great values!

Family values help set the foundation of a shared set of beliefs which influences their character and attitude.

#1: Values are part of our daily lives

In school where Civics and Moral Education (CME) was part of the curriculum, we learned about moral values through stories and examples. At home, parents appreciate the importance of imparting positive values at an early age, as they set the foundation of one’s character which translates into how they interact with others around them.

To that, Evangeline Yang, mother of two, shares her beliefs that her kids should be “man or woman of what they say”. Through speech, behaviour and actions, children pick up these values through those around them. Leading by example is an effective way of getting their children to understand and appreciate the importance of positive values.

Through interaction with others, children may also pick up the “wrong” concepts and ideas which they may not be able to differentiate during their toddler years. As Dominique Goh, mother of three notes, “… don’t put up with those adults or kids who refuse to exhibit such moral standards.”


#2: Learn to be contented, appreciate life and others

Much has been said that the younger generation seem to have a huge sense of self-entitlement, stemming from their ‘me-centric’ mindset.

My boy is only two-and-a-half years old so he’s at the very self-centred stage. But, we are trying to teach him to share with others, and take turns. We also always stop to admire caterpillars or a yellow bird on our way to childcare, because we need to appreciate all these little things!
— Serynn Guay

Did you remember to appreciate the little things around us that are often taken for granted?


To that, experts analyse that toddlers are at the phase where they are self-centred, and it is a normal part of their social and emotional development. During this period, parents can encourage autonomy, and allow toddler to have the feeling of self-control.

In the daily pursuit of wants and needs, we might forget to appreciate what we have, and lose sight about the amount of happiness accumulated. No thanks to the chase of ‘a better life’, or, ‘more things’, where it is always about the grass being greener on the other side, contentment becomes a moving goalpost.
As Andrea Kang Gruszka, mother of two under two-year-old, laments. “I just pray and hope that my kids do not spend their days comparing and always wishing and hoping… I guess I’ll just have to start with myself.”

Appreciate the simple things and being happy with what we already have allow our children to embrace the value of gratefulness and learn to be contented too.


#3: Effort and results are related

Citing examples of her five-year-old and two-year old, Janice Wong shares that as her kids watch her juggle work, home-schooling and parenting, she believes her actions speak for itself in allow her kids to understand that hard work is important. She hopes to instill in them that “nothing free falls down from the sky… don’t take anything for granted. Work hard but smart too.”
Like Andrea and Serynn, Janice is also a firm believer about having her kids dispel any sense of entitlement. The right working attitude has an impact on effort and results too. During the process, having the right manners is a behaviour Janice hopes her young children adopt.

Our P’s and Q’s are integral as they are an extension of how we treat others too.


#4: The value of love springboards to greater depth

Walking the talk is important and for Jessica Kong, she feels that children need to be respected too.

“We believe that when children feel respected and see us respecting others, they take on the same values too,”
— Jessica Kong

Furthermore, children are keen observers who learn values such as empathy and kindness through role model. As parents, what we do and say influences our children more than we might think.

She adds, “We show adequate care for them when they are hurt or when they get punished for a wrong doing. However, instead of asking my six-year-old son not to cry and be a ‘big boy’ when he falls, we offer suggestions to help distract him about the pain. When he gets punished for a bad behaviour, we will acknowledge his feelings after the incident and find out his reasons for his behaviour. We will always hug and remind him that he is loved but the behaviour is unacceptable, and soon realised that he adopts the same method when his sister gets punished. He would empathise and saying (care for her) her the same way we did to him.”


Children learn through social interaction and observation, which help form their understanding of positive values.


#5: Teaching children the right values need not be 100% serious work

In all seriousness, raising children with positive values may seem like a tall order, some parents find ways to do it through light-hearted manners.
Mother of two, Liang May, says of her husband “who wants to teach his children ‘others before self’ with the underlying virtue of kindness. He does so by example but is also quick to add that ‘your father is the most selfless guy! Why (are) you so selfish!’ when he speaks to our children!”

Clearly a sense of humour is a trait our kids could do with as they get ready to tackle life’s challenges.

“We do this by demonstrating it in the way we work, live and play. Being consistent in our parenting approach is also important. For example, if I tell my son not to spend too much time on his smartphone, I should do the same too.”
— Father of a teenage son, Walter Lim, sums up our effort in nurturing children with the right values

Wise words of advice indeed from fellow parents. After all parenting is a learning journey for both children and adults. When it comes to raising world-ready children, growing up with the right values help develop a person’s character and attitude, as they prepare to step into their future.


What are some values you hope to instil in your children? Do share with us too!

About the author: webimp

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